Thursday, September 21, 2023

Towards Julia Creek

After three days at Boulia, we headed north towards Mt Isa along the Diamantina Development Road, which had the occasional passing lane; otherwise, it was just single-lane bitumen. Incredibly, we are in the twenty-first century; we still have single-lane bitumen roads. On the way, we passed through Dajarra, a tiny town that looks like it's on its last legs. 

Thank goodness for having air conditioning in the vehicle, with the outside temperature showing 46 degrees.

We fueled up in the Isa and then parked in a side street, and both enjoyed our humongous salad sandwiches at the Buffs Club, where we had eaten before. They were so large that we could have shared just one.

It was then off to the attached bottle shop where Ros could purchase her favourite Stone and Wood Pacific Ale, red wine, and a nice bottle of Whitney Neill gin.

We then headed west to camp at Mary Kathleen, just like we did for my birthday on the eleventh of August. However, fewer people are camping here because we are late in the season, and the daily temperatures are hovering around the forty-degree mark. We are surrounded by the cement pads that were for the carports. 

As we are in no rush and it is Queensland school holidays, we've decided to spend three days here before moving onto Julia Creek.

We had never stayed at the RV stop on the eastern outskirts of town, but upon arriving, we couldn't believe how small the actual waterhole was and why anyone would want to stay here for the allotted four days apart from it being free. We planned to stay for four days, but just two days were enough for us. There are many geese here that everyone is feeding, so having food or a drink outside the van is a real problem without being accosted.

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